Monday, August 27, 2012

Praying For Your Country

Ezekiel 22:30-31 Stand in the gap for your country.
Psalm 106:23
Jeremiah 12:11
1 Samuel 12:23 Recognize that failure to pray is sin.
1 Timothy 2:1-4 Persist in prayer for our national leaders and all in
Jeremiah 29:7 Seek the welfare of the city to which God has called you.
Romans 13:1 Acknowledge that leaders are in authority by God’s will.
Daniel 12:19-22 Pray that leaders will know that their office was granted to
them by God.
Job 34:30 Pray for the election of godly leaders and that godless
leaders will not hold positions of government.
Psalm 5:10 Pray that unrighteousness will be exposed in your leaders
and that God will remove them, if that is His will.
2 Peter 3:9 Pray that corrupt leaders will see the evil of their ways and
2 Chronicles 32:12-13 repent.
I Timothy 1:5-6 Pray that authorities will have a pure heart, good
conscience, and faith in Christ.
2 Samuel 23:3 Pray for just leaders to rule in the fear of the Lord.
Proverbs 21:1 Pray that leaders will find wisdom and direction in God’s
Proverbs 2:10-11 truth.
Psalm 109:29 Pray that decisions will be made according to God’s truth.
Psalm 60:11-12 Pray for your country to rely on God.
Psalm 20:7
Psalm 127:1
Psalm 33:12 Pray that the God of your nation will be the Lord.
Proverbs 14:34 Pray that your nation will practice righteousness.
Psalm 119:29-30
Proverbs 29:2
Psalm 108:3-6, 11-13 Pray for God to protect your nation.
2 Chronicles 7:14 Pray for revival in the Church and spiritual awakening in
the nation.

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