Saturday, November 7, 2009

About Poor and Needy!


Blessed is he that considereth the poor: the LORD will deliver him in time of trouble  Psalms 41:1,

We serve the poor and needy through our Organization.  We are dedicated and committed to serve them from different angles like – School Children, Widows Care, Medical aid and Church Planting, etc.

Poor and Needy Children: Very often our country is accessible to natural calamities like cyclones, floods, fire and road accidents, etc. where children loose their parents and become either orphans or fatherless or motherless, no one to take care of them. We have plenty of such children. We have also young ladies by taking wrong steps in life, conceive children and they either leave them in the hospitals or maternity hospitals and run away.  Such disowned children who have no knowledge of their father and mother.  Some parents die due to road accidents or bus accidents and children will be parentless.  Some people adopt such children them because they are barren.  In India such adoption is rare.  These children are being adopted by foreigners.  Where there are more orphan children they seek admission into the orphanages because they have no place to go.  In the same manner we find some orphan children and place them in our orphanage and educate them providing all other facilities.  This type of orphan children is one category.  The second type is, children have parents but they have no means to support their children, so they also seek admission into orphanage hostels. 

Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world. James 1:27

 We have taken censes of these children, who are studying in the rural schools operated by the government.  The government provides school buildings for schooling, provides food and supplies text books and teachers.  In some areas, there will not be any buildings but classes are conducted in sheds and children sit on naked ground and learn lessons.  All these students are coming from below poverty line, so they look for some one to give them slates, books, pens and note-books.  There are incidents of children not going to school, because the parents could not purchase  a refill that costs less than a rupee.  How many such children are staying back without going to school for lack of a refill to write. 
When we visited some of the backward schools to find out their needs, they said, where there are 300 – 400 school enrollment, the school children come without uniform, without slippers, leave alone shoes, without a slate or a note-book, without a pen or a pencil, they have no benches to sit, they have no sports material to play with and many needs are there for their school going children.  They have no color pencils to do the drawing.  Many of these children are talented, but they have no means to buy them.  Worse than all the above, some schools do not have toilets for the girls, boys can manage, but what a pity it is that girls have no toilets.  There are also many children who do not go to school due to ill health.  We care for them and provide medical help.

In Andhra Pradesh there are 24 districts. We visit the schools and identify the children who are deprived of these things and we adopt some schools and we provide uniforms, slippers, books, medicines, pens and pencils, colors, and fancy items like oil, soaps, detergents and other things which they need.  This is how we distribute such things to many children in the schools. We are working toward providing them and that is our aim and objective.

There are children who come from rich families, they have separate schools.  They pay high amount of fees and get them educated.  The poor cannot have place in such schools because they cannot stand any where close to such schools. 

Our organizational goal is to provide at least normal education for these poverty stricken children and with commitment we are working hard.  The parent community is very happy about our endeavor to help their children educated.  The children too are happy for the opportunity we provide them to study.  There are schools which require furniture, black boards, sports equipment and toilet facilities, please pray for these schools so that the Lord will provide them.  There are also schools still run in sheds and due to rains, floods there are times when schools are closed.  So, please pray for the schools to have buildings, and if some are interested in providing buildings the children and staff will be very happy.  The government also invited the private donors to come forward and provide infrastructure for school purpose.  So even private rich individuals do come forward to construct school buildings in rural areas.

Make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Hebrews 13:1-21

Hospitals :  The present conditions in our country is very bad because the people suffer from many kinds of sickness like Malaria, Typhoid, Cancer, T.B., Hypertension, Diabetes, HIV, etc. especially in rural areas where the medical help is scarcity.  In cities, there are multi specialty hospitals and mostly people who are rich will get the medical benefit.  No way for the common poor man to get treatment in city hospitals.

Even in government hospitals patients are expected to pay some money. This makes the poor people to remain at home and suffer to die.  In rural hospitals, there are no specialists.  So pity is that most of the people depend on private doctors who are quacks.  It is under such circumstances we visit the hospitals and locate poor patients and try to help them, buying blood, medicines like tonic and tablets and some times if they are inpatients like maternity we do help them, not only in the ordinary conditions, but even in emergency situation our organization comes into action to help the situation as far as possible.  Please pray for our efforts.  Our main objective is to give the poor and needy patients, the least minimum medical aid and save the life and pray for them for gaining health. 

If a brother or sister be naked, and destitute of daily food, And one of you say unto them, Depart in peace, be ye warmed and filled; notwithstanding ye give them not those things which are needful to the body; what doth it profit?  James 2:15-16

Church Planting:  Almost in every village area there are Bible workers we call them independent Pastors and evangelists, who have no source of monthly income, but live only on whatever offerings they get.  The inhabitants of the villages, mostly depend on daily labor, even the labor is seasonal.  During the lean months they borrow from the land lords and live.  When the season comes they work for the land lords at a low remuneration till the borrowed amount is cleared.  There are villagers who even cannot buy a Holy Bible.  So, we supply Bibles free of cost.  They worship the Lord in thatched sheds, just to have some shade and worship the Lord. These people are in need of church planting.  Whenever there are interested donors who come forward to construct churches, they build for them.  We have located many people without a church building.  Please pray for these poor members to have some one build churches for them.  They will be very happy to worship the Lord in a church building. 

Most of these Pastors and evangelists are not highly educated but studied up to high school and they took up evangelists work.  They are doing all right and converting souls.  They conduct the worships at least for 3 hours minimum.  The members are sitting on the bare ground for 3 hours, there are sick people, old people who cannot sit for such lengthy time, their requirement is to have some benches to sit and relax in the church, so that they can worship the Lord with ease and comfortably.  Inspire of all this inconvenience they have the desire to hear the word of God.  As we look at the evangelists and Pastors their dedication to the Lords work, we need to do something to help them get their monthly support, so that their conditions can be improved.  The community in which they work is also poor and if something can be worked out to improve their economy it would be wonderful.  May be periodical help may be given or clothes distributed, books for their children could be given.  This will certainly help them to some extent.  For the members to sit in the prayer sheds for long hours is very difficult so we need a plan to provide furniture to sit.  In cities and towns most of the denominations are clustered around and they are big denominations.  Most of the sponsors are bent on sending money to such denominations.  The pastors are all highly educated, they are paid high salaries, the members come to church, listen to the Word of God, those pastors do not have the need for financial help.  They have luxurious church buildings; they don’t need to walk to be church.

We need to direct our attention to rural evangelism.  The people with high education will not come to preach in villages.  Therefore the sacrifice of the rural evangelists is more glorious than the city work.  So the rural Pastors and evangelists need more of your attention.

Therefore, we are planning to extend our work through our organization, to reach the un-reached, establish churches with buildings and provide land for the church building, supply Bibles, medicines, even distribute food and clothing, text books and note books and uniform for rural school children.  This is our greatest desire to provide facilities for the children of the church members in the village areas and share the blessings.  We would greatly appreciate if you will take our ministry and our organizational objectives and aims in to your purview and pray to the Lord as all these requests and needs are genuine and let us prayerfully come forward to help them in their needs.  Of course these are only a few, because we cannot take care of their every need but for sure the Lord is gracious and blessed you and me.  God will bless others who come forward to bless these people in rural areas too.

At this moment we are running the orphanage with boarding and lodging, educating the children, side by side the widows and old age people.  We also take care of the pastors working in rural areas; we are also conducting, Vacation Bible schools for children, Pastors councilling, Gospel meetings for the youth as well as night meetings, musical singing competitions. For the past many years we are celebrating Christmas in Narsapur , all the believers from rural churches pastors and families and widows, children, orphan children all participate in the ceremony.  After the Christmas program we will have a grand fellowship lunch and before they depart to their respective villages, we distribute gifts like Indian Sarees, dresses for young girls  and  Widows, Uniforms for students, powder tins, tooth pastes, clips, soaps, detergents, pens, towels, bed sheets, etc., according their needs and they are made happy and give them the spirit of Christmas.  Hope you have a little idea about or Organization and the aims and objectives with which we are working to bring the great salvation of Jesus Christ. 

And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward.  Matthew 10:42

After reading this letter, you can understand that one person alone cannot carry on this or deal unless some one like you co-operate and invite your friends to join your hands, your efforts, your ideas to promote this holy work which Christ entrusted to us.  To preach the world the Good News of Christ’s salvation.  I realize your prayers and yours friend’s prayers are required.  When all of us work together, we can accomplish great things for God and bring smiles and happiness to the people whom God wants us to save them for His kingdom.  The Holy spirit is with us to strengthen our efforts and see the glory of God.

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Matthew 6:33,

If time and money permit you, I most heartily invite you to visit our organization and be a blessing to us.  We will be enriched by your visit and by your prayers.  Continue to remember us please in all your prayers because there is power, power wonder working power in the prayers.  In the same manner we are praying for you and your Work and our family and the family of LAMP Children Orphanage are praying for you.

The staff working in our Ministry, the congregational members, Orphan children and our family members are all praying for you and your welfare. And sending greetings to you. Please pray for us,.

Looking forward for greater Blessings of the Lord in granting us spiritual blessings. So that our faith in the Lord will be strengthened and His love may continue to shine in our lives as we minister to the people.

As it is written, He hath dispersed abroad; he hath given to the poor: his righteousness remaineth for ever. 2Corinthians 9:9,

In His Service

T. Sanjay

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